Topic: “Black & White Photography” 
Talk description: For the Love of Black & White
What is it about black & white that still hold such interest for photographers & viewers ?
Through my passion for black & white photography we will talk about reasons to shoot black & white and how color is a distraction. The importance of line, texture & simplification. How black & white effects the emotional weight of an image and how it can work as an artistic tool. Shooting & processing techniques are covered along with thought processes of images from start to finish.
Darren Creighton is an enthusiastic and insightful photographer. In 1997 he picked up his father’s 35mm Minolta, made his first print
in the darkroom and was hooked. His past experience in the traditional darkroom and his passion for the craft is evident in both his
imagery and his presentations. Accomplishments include a cover story for Niagara Magazine, teaching photography at the
Pumphouse Gallery in Niagara on the Lake, numerous awards & print sales to private & corporate clients.
Darren sees photography as an exploration of your vision and ideas mixed with light, composition, storytelling, technique &
sometimes luck.
Members: Free
Non Members: $10