ZOOM Presentation
Topic: “A Planet of Light” by Dave Brosha
Talk description:
A Planet of Light – In this landscape/nature photography-themed talk, Dave takes listeners through his main considerations when documenting the outdoor
world around him, including thoughts on composition, tools of the trade, looking for your “wow” in any scene, and thinking creatively when in situations that can sometimes, on the surface, look very ordinary.
On a continual journey to seek out and capture the beauty of this world –whether it’s the beauty of some of the most extreme and pristine environments
in the world, or the beauty of humanity, Dave is passionate across a wide spectrum of photographic genres and avoids labels.
He is proudly a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society, a Sigma Pro Photographer, a PhotoLife contributing writer, and a Strobepro Professional.
He is the co-founder of the OFFBEAT photographic community and offers photographic workshops and tours across Canada and the world.
He is a proud father and loyal friend.
Meeting Format:
Members: Free
Non-Members: $10 (Payment by eTransfer). Zoom ID will be emailed the day before the event.
Speaker’s Website: