Topic: “Close to Home” by Juraj Dolanjski
Talk description:
How and where do you find inspiration when you are close to home?
In this presentation, Juraj will take us on a visual voyage with images that were captured during all seasons and within familiar surroundings. Learn to “see” again and proceed to capture inspiring photographic material. Break away from being a documentary photographer only, learn to become an interpretive one.
Juraj Dolanjski was born in rural Croatia, surrounded by rolling hills of vineyards and oak forests. This was the perfect location to experience the freedom and beauty of nature and ultimately shape his creative spirit and inquisitive mind from a young age.
Completing his education in Electronics, he immigrated to Canada for seeking economic opportunity. He spent his career at McMaster University and Environment Canada inventing, developing, creating and building many sophisticated electronic apparatuses that were used in environmental research. Many of them are still in use on the ships of Coast Guard Canada to monitor the hea
lth of the Great Lakes.
In 1975 he bought his first camera. It soon became a creative tool to capture images of travel, nature and of the abstract world. He continues this lifelong passion of creativity, never really resting and always searching for new ways of “seeing”.
This resulted in numerous photographic journeys, exhibitions and projects. Juraj is an expert in all technical and artistic aspects of photography, audio-visual art and related software. He has developed many educational presentations and seminars which are in high demand. All of them are down-to-earth, easily understood and richly illustrated with his visual and artistic samples. His sense of composition is next to none.
Juraj has been at the forefront of the digital revolution, introducing it to the Club. He is currently at the level of Master Photographer, with 11 Star rating and a Life member of The Hamilton Camera Club, Ontario, Canada.
In 2020 he was invited and became a member of prestigious French Art Society, Mondial Art Academie.
Members: Free